Life & Thyme • The House We Build Our Parents

Screenshot of a blog post

Special thanks to Life & Thyme and Melanie Loon for writing such an amazing piece on Woon and it’s story. There are too many pull quotes from Melanie that really hit home as a Chinese-American. Many of the details at Woon are intentional and personal, but we can only take that experience so far for our guests. My sister and I grew up on this food, these plates, my mom’s furniture, but it’s up to our visitors to interpret all that. From time to time there will be a guest that mentions how nostalgic Woon is to them (Melanie was one of them), and that’s when it resonates with me the most. It’s those moments that remind me why we built this place. It’s not for the reviews, Yelpers, Insta posts, it’s to tell our story and welcome as many guests as we can just like @mamafongmakes did at her home. It’s up to all our guests to interpret it from there.

Read the entire article on Life & Thyme.

Special thanks to Cody James for the photography.


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